Alphacen 200 Drive | Nanosurf

Alphacen 200 Drive – an advanced AFM system engineered to meet the high demands of the semiconductor industry. From unparalleled low-noise roughness analysis using WaveMode, to complex electrical characterization tasks with SMM, the Alphacen 200 Drive solves the challenges typically faced by semiconductor manufacturing and research.



Features and Benefits:

Large sample system with flexure tip scanner capable of atomic resolution.
Highest measurement stability with CleanDrive photothermal excitation.
WaveMode: Fastest off-resonance imaging for reproducible and fast measurements.
Large scan range: 100 x 100 x 20 μm³.
Compatible with broad selection of nanoelectrical characterization methods (NEC), such as Nanosurf’s SMM solution.
Expandable functionality with accessories and software options.
Fully automated laser alignment and cantilever calibration.
Automated imaging on every region of interest within fully addressable XY sample area of 200 x 200 mm².
Accurate and consistent roughness measurements with WaveMode.
Obtaining Highest Resolution with a Large Scanner
Thanks to the superior technology of the DriveAFM scan head, imaging at atomic resolution is possible, even on this large-stage system.
This powerful combination allows for the observation of feature sizes covering several orders of magnitude, making a wide variety of structures accessible for analysis.

Technical Specifications:

Z-travel: 13 mm.
XY-travel : 200 mm.
XY repositioning accuracy :2 µm.
Sample platform size: 200 x 200 mm².
Sample size :Max. 200 x 200 x 10 mm³.
Sample weight: Max. 2 kg.
Vacuum chuck for : 4, 6, 8 inch wafer.
Stage technology: Stepper motor / belt / air bearings.
Z-noise (RMS dynamic mode) : < 20 pm, VC-G.
Acoustic isolation STC rating : 48.
Vibration isolation : Active damping.
Floor vibration requirements: VC-E or better.


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