XploRA PLUS Confocal Raman Microscope | Horiba

Incorporating unique and powerful functions in a reliable, high performance system, ideally suited to the research and analytical lab, the XploRA PLUS is our best multi-sample, multi-user Raman imaging microscope ever. It is fully confocal, not compromising image quality, spatial or depth resolution. The SWIFT Fast Raman images are the fastest fully confocal Raman images available, typically 10x faster than conventional Raman imaging.


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Features & Benefits:

SWIFTTM10x faster Raman imaging.
Improved detection and sensitivity.
Full Confocality for complete image detail.
Full optical microscope so you can see your samples.
Maximum detail, resolution and range for enhanced spectroscopy.
HORIBA’s OneClick easy Raman analysis.
NIST traceable and patented Autocalibration options for validated results.
Ultimate optical stability- robust, reliable, long term operation.
Automated operation offering simple, powerful reliability.
2 year base unit warranty as standard.

Technical Specifications:

Faster Raman : YES with XY stage.
Routine operation Automation: OneClick Auto.
Full Microscope: Upright.
Resolution: Standard + High.
Multi-laser : 532, 638, 785 nm.
Options: others on request.

Additional information

Applications / Industries








Confocal Imaging

Type of interferometer


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