Raman-HR-TEC-633 Spectrometers | Stellarnet

StellarNet offers a variety of high performance spectrometers configured for 633nm Raman spectroscopy applications that perform quick identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples. 633nm laser excitation is a common wavelength chosen for Raman spectroscopy as it has a good balance between Raman efficiency, low fluorescence, and affordability. Raman-HR-TEC-633 Spectrometers include an enhanced CCD array detector tuned for 633nm Raman with advanced detector lens assembly for ultra sensitivity at long exposure times.


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Features & Benefits:

Compact and Research Grade Raman Systems for quick identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples
Raman Systems include a high performance Raman spectrometer, High power Laser, and Raman probe
Standard Raman wavelengths include 532, 785, and 1064nm with many custom options such as 405, 633, 637, 648, 830nm!
SpectraWiz ID Raman Library with Save and Search functionality included FREE. Save your samples and then search for matches!
Microscope Accessory Pack available for micro Raman applications as well as affordable SERS strips for trace substance analysis.

Technical Specifications:

Optical Resolution: HR= 6 cm-1.
Spectral Range: HR = 200-3,900 cm-1, Early Start Available.
Diffraction Gratings: 1200 g/mm with gold surface.
Stray Light: <0.05%.
Detector Type: SONY ILX CCD, 2048 pixels, 14um x 200um.
Dimensions: HR= 6 x 17 x 15.5 cm SR = 2.5 x 7.6 x 12.7cm.
Weight: HR= 1.5 kg.
Operating System: Win XP, 7,8,10, Linux.


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