HighLight ARM Fiber Lasers | Coherent

Go beyond what’s possible with advanced fiber laser technology for effectively welding delicate or heat-sensitive materials, dissimilar materials, and even copper. Coherent Adjustable Ring Mode (ARM) fiber lasers utilize a unique center/ring beam. Totally independent power and modulation control of these two beam components enables highly precise energy delivery for enhanced capabilities and improved results.


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Features & Benefits:

Output power: 2,000 – 10,000 Watts.
Adjustable Ring Mode (ARM).
Fiber-Fiber-Switch (FFS) or Fiber-Fiber-Coupler (FFC).
Excellent stability over the entire power range (1% to 100%).
Inherently back reflection safe.
Industry-leading closed loop power control for high process consistency.
Optimized power profile programming tool for welding processes.
Reliable and fast welding process with high efficiency.
Superior welding seam quality with minimal heat affected zones.
Maximized freedom for welding geometries.
Highest welded part quality with minimum reject rates.
Minimized operating costs.

Technical Specifications:

Nominal Power (W): 2000, 4000, 6000, 7500, 8000, 10 000.
Power Range (%): 1 to 100.
Power Stability (%): ±1.
Pulse Frequency Range (kHz) : CW – 10.
Wavelength: 1070 ±10.

Additional information

Applications / Industries






Wavelength range

Type of active medium

Mode of Operation


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