Frequency generator – HarmoniXX DFG | APE

HarmoniXX DFG is designed to extend APE’s product line of wavelength converters into the Mid IR range. It mixes Signal and Idler output beams of synchronously pumped OPOs and is available for various pump sources. The DFG output wavelength can be changed easily by tuning the OPO Signal. It covers a wide wavelength range of 4 … > 15 μm.



Features & Benefits:

Compatible with OPO-X and Levante IR.
Easy manual wavelength tuning.
Integrated beam overlap.
Delay line included.
Connection for purge included.

Technical Specifications:
Levante IR fs:
Power: 45 mW at 6.0 µm (1667 cm-1).
Pulse width, typical: <200 fs. Spectral bandwidth, typical: >125 cm-1 at 6.0 µm (1667 cm-1).
OPO pump parameter: 12 W, 120 fs, 76 MHz, ~1 µm.

Levante IR ps:
Power: 75 mW at 6.0 µm (1667 cm-1).
Pulse width, typical: 2 ps.
Spectral bandwidth, typical: 10 cm-1 … 15 cm-1 at 6.0 µm (1667 cm-1).
OPO pump parameter: 8 W, 2 ps, 80 MHz, ~1 µm.

OPO-X fs (with Idler):
Power: 3.5 mW at 4.0 µm (2500 cm-1)
Pulse width, typical: 2200 fs.
Spectral bandwidth, typical: 90 cm-1 at 4.0 µm (2500 cm-1)
OPO pump parameter: 3.5 W, 140 fs, 80 MHz, 800 nm.


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