FC1500-ULNnova Optical Frequency Combs | Menlo Systems (copiază)

The FC1500-ULNnova is Menlo System’s latest optical frequency comb synthesizer for ultimate performance. The core of the new model consists of a redesigned comb oscillator, based on the patented ultra-low-noise (ULN) figure 9® mode locking technology. The enhanced design of this so-called “nova”-oscillator results in significantly improved robustness against acoustical distortion and thermal drift. The major benefit is a reduced free running linewidth of only 15 kHz. Owing to this leap in linewidth reduction, the FC1500-ULNnova has proven to support a frequency stability on the 10-19 level* for 1 s averaging time!

SKU: 230-1 Categories: ,

Features & Benefits:

Lowest phase noise of <100 mrad [100 Hz-2 MHz]. High bandwidth >1 MHz actuators for CEO and repetition rate.
Fully fiber-coupled CEO frequency generation.
Turnkey metrology system, fully automated including data evaluation software.
Designed for continuous operation.

Technical Specifications:

Comb Spacing: 250 MHz.
Accuracy: 1 x 10-17 (τ >100 s)*
Stability: 1 x 10-16 in 1 s*, 1 x 10-18 in 1000 s*, 5 x 10-13 in 1 s▵
Integrated Phase Noise: <100 mrad [100 Hz – 2 MHz]
Line Width: <1Hz* Tuning Range of Comb Spacing : >4 MHz
Tuning Range of CEO Frequency: >250 MHz
Spectral Range: >25 nm (500-1050 nm with M-VIS,1050-2100 nm with M-NIR)

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