LPY Series Lasers | Litron Lasers

LPY Series – Superior performance through superior design.
Rugged, Invar stabilised, pulsed Nd:YAG lasers with high energy and high performance for industrial and scientific applications. The LPY series of pulsed lasers have been designed to suit almost any industrial or research application in which a high-energy or high-specification Nd:YAG laser is required. Based around a fully self supporting Invar rail the LPY series exhibit both exceptional mechanical and thermal stability.


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Features & Benefits:

Rugged Invar stabilised construction.
Up to 5J at 1064nm.
Repetition rates up to 200Hz.
Telescopic or super-Gaussian resonators.
All harmonics to 213nm available.
Full energy in <5 minutes at all wavelengths.
Full RS232 software control.
Modular design.
Birefringence compensation.
Injection seeded option.
Line narrowing etalon option.
IGBT switching for long lamp life.
Fully integrated power supply and water cooler.

Technical Specifications:

Q-switched outputs :10J.
Harmonic generation modules for 532, 355, 266 and 213 nm.
Wavelength (nm): 1064
Power Phase : Single.

Additional information

Applications / Industries





Wavelength range

Mode of Operation


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