StellarCASE-LIBS System | StellarNet

STN-StellaCASE-LIBS is a rugged and fully integrated portable Case System for elemental analysis using LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy). The StellarCASE-LIBS includes interior mounting of
spectrometer instrumentation pre-configured for “Open & Measure” application, with no additional setup required.
With a simple press of the “FIRE” button instantaneous Atomic Emission Spectra is collected and elemental match results are displayed on your screen.



Features & Benefits:

The LIBS sample chamber mounts directly into the system’s acrylic mounting surface for direct easy access and includes a safety interlock.
The systems excitation source is the world’s smallest 1064nm NDYaG laser with 25mJ per pulse. Once the laser strikes your sample a PLASMA is created which will cool and emit radiation specific to the elements inside your sample.
The StellarCASE comes pre-configured with spectrometer instrumentation to covers 200-800nm with <0.2nm optical resolution. These spectrometers capture your samples emitted light spectrum and send the data to a top mounted tablet with factory installed SpectraWiz ID™ Software for elemental analysis.
The StellarCASE features an internal main power control system with ON, OFF, & Charge buttons.
The system is completed with a safety key lock and an 8 hour battery lifetime for field use and portable application and comes with AC power adapters for use in your laboratory or classroom.

Technical Specifications:

Spectrometer channels: 3 standard (1 &2 channel optional).
Spectrometer ranges: 200-800nm wavelengths.
Detector range: 2048 pixel CCD array.
Laser Type: Pulsed Nd-YAG @1064um.
Laser model & rep rate: Kigre MK-367. 1 Hertz.
Spectrometer Interface: USB2 Hub.
Power to sample: 6 MegaWatts.

Additional information

Applications / Industries


Type of interferometer


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