PV Inspector CCD Cameras | Andor

Andor’s PV Inspector NIR Camera is designed to offer ultimate speed and sensitivity performance for in-line Electro- and Photoluminescence Inspection, delivering > 90% QE beyond 800 nm and incorporating Fringe Suppression Technology™ to minimize fringing effects in the NIR.



Features & Benefits:

QE > 90% beyond 800 nm, optimized for NIR – Very high detector sensitivity in near infra-red.
5 MHz and 3 MHz readout speeds – Rapid frame rates for high throughput cell inspection.
Dual Exposure Ring Mode – Unique acquisition mode for exposure time switching.
Fringe Suppression Technology ™ – Minimizes etaloning effects in the NIR, optimizes optical resolution.
UltraVac™ – Critical for sustained vacuum integrity and to maintain unequalled cooling and QE performance, year after year.
Single AR-coated window design – NIR optimized anti-reflection coating.
Thermoelectric cooling to -70°C (air cooled) – Critical for elimination of dark current detection limit.
Lockable USB connection – Ensures secure, vibration resistant connectivity.
Cooling on power-up – PV Inspector does not require PC connectivity to maintain stable thermoelectric cooling.
Enhanced Baseline Clamp – Essential for quantitative accuracy of dynamic measurements.

Technical Specifications:

Active pixels : 1024 x 1024.
Pixel size: 13 x 13 μm.
Image area : 13.3 x 13.3 mm with 100% fill factor.
Linearity: Better than 99%.
Digitization: 16-bit .
System window type: Single AR-coated UV-grade fused silica (NIR optimised).


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