Levante IR ps – Tunable ps OPO for IR Pump Laser | APE

Our OPOs generate either picosecond or femtosecond pulses tunable over a wide range of wavelengths with high output energy. Levante IR – ps is a synchronously pumped OPO (optical parametric oscillator) in an innovative new design. The pump source is a mode-locked laser emitting at 1 µm fixed. The generation of the Signal and Idler pulses in a parametric process is jitter-free with respect to each other as well as to the pump pulse.



Features & Benefits:

Fully controllable via PC and automated wavelength tuning.
Perfectly synchronized output pulses.
Standard Software Interface (using TCP/IP).
Integrated spectrometer for OPO Signal wavelength range.

Technical Specifications:

Wavelength range Signal : 1320 … 2000 nm.
Wavelength range Idler: 2150 … 4800 nm (… 5000 nm typical).
Power Signal: 1.6 W at 1500 nm pumped with 8 W.
Power Idler: 0.7 W at 2500 nm pumped with 8 W.
Pulse width, typical: 2 ps pumped with 2 ps.
Wavelength tuning: Fully automated.
Repetition rate: ~80 MHz, equal and synchronous to pump laser.

Additional information

Applications / Industries




Mode of Operation


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