Features & Benefits:
1064 nm or 355 nm.
Unique combination of pulse energy, operational flexibility and delivers significantly reduced cost-per-part for micromachining applications.
PulseEQ provides equal, perfectly stabilized pulse energy down to single shots with maximum timing accuracy.
Compact and light weight, with optimized footprint.
Many product support options to optimize uptime and cost-of-ownership.
Technical Specifications:
Single Wavelength Output (nm): 1064, 355.
Pulse Repetition Rate Range (kHz): Single Shot to 5000 kHz.
Pulse Duration (ps): < 10. Power (W): 30, 10. Polarization Ratio: >100:1
Beam Diameter, 1 m in front of laser (mm) : 3.0 ± 0.3.
Maximum Pulse Energy (µJ): 250, 50.