Features & Benefits:
Direct connection to PC via USB-port, no frame grabber required.
Digital camera with high resolution (1600×1200 Pixel).
Insensitive to vibrations due to short exposure time.
Wide range of optical and mechanical accessories.
Usable in vertical, horizontal, or under oblique directions. This makes the instrument extreme versatile for use in customer specific applications.
Due to its compact design the interferometers are well suitable for the integration in application specific workstations.
Visual or optionally software-supported evaluation with INTOMATIK-S or INTOMATIK-N.
Light source: fiber coupled, stabilized or non-stabilized He-Ne-laser (λ=632.8 nm) or a stabilized laser diode (λ=635 nm).
Technical Specifications:
Type of interferomete: Fizeau type
Camera resolution: 1600×1200
Laser: Fiber coupled He-Ne-laser with 632.8 nm wavelength.
test field diameter: 25 to 100 mm.
Measurement uncertainty with visual evaluation: λ/10
Measurement uncertainty with PC-based evaluation: λ/20